Surahman ,Yusuf M,Garantjang S,Toleng A L,Diansyah A M,Raafi M,Sahiruddin
The quality of semen is one of the most important things in the reproductive process. The aim of this study was to determine differences in the quality of frozen semen at various breeds of bull. This study was conducted for two months from May to June 2020, at the Laboratory of Animal Reproduction, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University. The materials used in the study were frozen semen of bull at different breeds; Angus (AG), Brahman (BM), Fries Holland (FH), Simmental (SM), Limousine (LM), and Bali (BL), that were provided from the Livestock and Animal Health Services of South Sulawesi Province. Supporting materials were warm water at 40°C, alcohol 70%, liquid nitrogen. A completely randomized design one-way ANOVA using six treatments and three replications was used in the present study. The treatments in this study were a different breed of bulls. The results of this study showed that sperms’ motility at different breeds of the bull differed significantly (P<0.05). Sperms motility of AG and BM had significantly (P<0.05) higher than sperms motility of FH and BL (58.8% and 56.8% vs. 41.1% and 44.0%), and had a tendency higher than in SM and LM (59.7% and 49.2%). The viability of the sperms among breeds had relatively similar each other, ranging from 46.9% to 60.8%, however, BL viability had significantly (P<0.05) lower than the other breeds. Likewise, sperms abnormality was relatively similar among breeds, however, the highest abnormality was found in BL. It can be concluded that there were differences in motility, progressive motility, viability, and abnormality of frozen semen among the different bulls breed; in which Simmental had better quality than the other breed.