Erliani E W,Krisanti M,Wardiatno Y
Sipunculans were collected in Banda Neira from October 2019 to February 2020. In this paper, I describe the distribution pattern and characteristics of the Genus Sipunculus (Sipunculus sp. 1, Sipunculus sp. 2), Genus Thysanocardia (Thysanocardia sp. 1, Thysanocardia sp. 2, Thysanocardia sp. 3), and Genus Siphonosoma (Siphonosoma sp. 1). The sampling method was purposive sampling. Two stations were selected as sample locations with squared plot size 60×60 cm, divided into 5 sub-plots, and repeated 3 times. The specimens were dissected, observed, and compared with available morphological literature. The result showed that the distribution pattern of Sipuncula was irregular, the distribution of holes or dwellings at several stations shows a varying distance of 10–30 cm from dwelling to other dwellings around 3 meters. The morphological characteristics of the sipunculan are slightly different, so it is suspected that there are new species in Banda Neira.