Abellisa A,Sriningsih C,Etriwati E,Sugito S,Asmilia N,Erwin E
The use of auto skin grafts is a solution to rehabilitate the anatomy and function of the wound area. This study aims to observe differences in the red blood profile of local cats using platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and Tilapia Mozambique skin bio-dressing during ASG healing. The study used 6 male domestic cats aged 1-2 years with a body weight of 2-4 kg which were divided into 2 treatment groups. The first surgical procedure, a 2x2 cm wound was created period of 4 days. The second surgical operation involved doing an ASG using a donor from the thoracic region to the area where the wound developed. In the first group (T-I) used bio-dressing, while treatment in the second group (T-II) used bio-dressing added PRP. Blood collection was carried out through the Cephalica antebrachii vein on days 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 after surgery. The red blood profile including erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean corpuscular volume (MCV) fluctuated not significantly (P>0.05) while mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), and platelets fluctuated significantly. significantly different (P<0.05) between the treatment groups and the time of observation. As an alternate dressing and treatment that can aid in the healing of ASG, PRP and bio dressing can be applied.