Suryana S,Marliyati SA,Khomsan A,Dwiriani CM
Kanji Rumbi porridge is an Acehnese traditional local food. The limitations of this complementary food are incomplete nutritional and long processing, so it requires innovation in development. Kanji Rumbi potentialy to become an instant complementary food through drying processing. Objective: analyze the effect of instant Kanji Rumbi porridge with drum drying method on nutritional content. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) experiment with two replications. The research was carried out in August-September 2023, at the Food Processing and Experimentation Laboratory of the Department of Public Nutrition, IPB, instantiated at the IPB Seafast Laboratory and nutritional analysis at the Saraswanti Indo Genetech (SIG) Laboratory, Bogor. Data analysis used the Paired t-test (p<0.05). The instant Kanji Rumbi product has a yield value of 25%. There were significant differences in the nutritional content of fresh and instant Kanji Rumbi in terms of water content, energy, carbohydrates, fat, fiber, Vitamin A, sodium, zinc, iron. There was no significant difference in ash, protein, iodine and calcium levels. Most of the nutritional content of instant Kanji Rumbi is higher than fresh porridge.
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