This paper compiles a roadmap of considerations concerning zero impact, beyond zero (positive) impact of regenerative development of the construction process. This is described from a process point of view considering the whole lifecycle of a building, involved stakeholders, and the necessity of functional ecosystem services. Firstly, a review is made of the basics of regenerative development and how to adapt development through regenerative sustainability to single buildings. This follows with an important prerequisite of sustainability and regenerative buildings: the concept of a circular economy with deconstruction and disassembly in mind. Concerning the construction process, a review of the construction regenerative principles is made: the role of the client and their organisation, the stakeholder’s importance, the role of the construction site and the ecosystem services that are provided (or should be provided). Further, there are considerations of how a regenerative construction project can be managed, some important principles of regenerative design, procurement and contracting factors, regenerative issues during construction works, and the handover to the client. The construction process definition extends and continues with long-term regenerative operational management. Finally, it is how to verify all measures through the construction process and lifecycle processing of a building for regenerative development. The paper concludes with remarks regarding a road through steps of continual improvements toward a future regenerative construction process beyond zero environmental impacts promoting a living system wholeness.