One of the government’s efforts towards post-disaster reconstruction in 2018 at Central Sulawesi, especially in Palu City, is to build a Phase IA Duyu Permanent Occupancy. This study aims to determine the potential for confine aquifer based on the aquifer characteristics for freshwater—analysis of aquifer characteristics based on survey results, pumping test data, and hydrochemical parameters. The results showed that the quantitative potential of confine aquifer based on SD-DTW-DY well data was in the medium to high potential class in the Pz3.D0.T0.Qs0.Q0.M1 units, with the distribution of aquifer characteristic values: permeability (K) 53.09 m/day, the piezometric depth is 12.15 m from ground level, the aquifer thickness is 76.32 m, and debit (Q) is 9.50 l/second. Spatially the distribution of aquifers in denudational hills and alluvial plains at the Pakuli Formation with SND-GRV and GRA-DIO lithology. The results of the hydrochemical quality are good quality classes, include: TDS 182.0 mg/l, pH 8.3, Fe 0.00 mg/l, Mn 0.00 mg/l, Cl 11.70 mg /l, SO4 12.90 mg/l, NO3 0.00 mg/l, and NO2 0.18 mg/l. Based on the results of the data analysis, the characteristics of the aquifer in the Duyu permanent occupancy area are classified as medium productive aquifers.