Utomo Eko Wahyu,Siegfried
The performance of a road link is globally divided into two categories: structural and functional. The structural performance is a condition shown by the condition of its remaining life, while the functional one relates to the comfort of road users passing on the pavement link. The roughness meter used is based on the censor of geophones and GPS, while the general roughness meters are based on accelerometer sensors such as ARRB, IRI meter, etc. The main reason to use the geophone is because the accelerometer and geophone are the sensors used to measure displacement. The theories behind this roughness meter are based on Watanabe et al. The retrieved data uses a stand-alone program based on Visual Basic 6. An Arduino Mega 2560 is used for the microcontroller, and the post-processing operation is programmed with MATLAB. Another advantage of this roughness meter is that the results of IRI values can be presented on a map, making it much easier for the road authority to determine the condition of the road links tested. This type of roughness meter has been tested for two road links in the Central Java province. Both of the two links have an average value of IRI of 3.7, which means that they are still in routine maintenance, but soon, they will get to the stage of minor rehabilitation.