Kuchma M O,Bloshchinskiy V D,Andreev A I,Kholodov E I
This paper describes the procedures for preliminary and thematic processing of satellite data in the Far-Eastern Center of State Research Center for Space Hydrometeorology «Planeta» for their use in agricultural tasks. A brief description of cross-calibration procedures for the MSU-MR («Meteor-M» No. 2) and MSU-GS («Electro-L» No. 2) instruments and atmospheric correction for the MSU-MR instrument is given. The importance of these procedures for obtaining thematic products, such as maps of cloud and snow cover, as well as vegetation indices, which are actively used in the analysis and problem-solving for agricultural tasks, is indicated. Far-Eastern Center of State Research Center for Space Hydrometeorology «Planeta» plans to further develop the procedures for preliminary and thematic processing of information from Russian satellite instruments of low and medium resolution, which would increase the potential for the use of satellite data for agriculture.