Khairi A N,Pamungkas A P,Khasanah A U
Fish waste processing is one way to support the development of fishery products and environmental sustainability. Catfish bone powder has an unpleasant aroma. Unpleasant aroma could be reduced by adding spices such as aromatic citronella. This study aims to determine the effect of citronella extract in catfish bone flavor enchancer powder. Experimental design in this study used completely randomized design (CRD) with two factors, variations in temperature differences and maltodextrin concentration. The temperature variations used were 70°C and 80°C and maltodextrin 10% and 15%. The analysis conducted included hedonic characteristics consist of flavor, color, aroma, and texture. Statistical analysis was performed with two-way ANOVA and continued with DMRT (Duncan’s Multiple Range Test) test at the significance level α = 5%. Hedonic test showed that texture analysis ranged from 2.92-3.25, aroma 3.06-3.14, color 2.86-3.31, flavor 3.00-3.14. Adding aromatic citronella increase color and texture hedonic valuation significantly.
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