Atlanderova K N,Makaeva A M,Sizova E A
The paper studies effects of the Quercus corte x water extract (group II) and synthesized biologically active substances of the Quercus cortex extract (group III) on the dry matter digestibility, hematological parameters and the elemental composition of the scar fluid. It was identified that additives have a dose-dependent effect on the dry matter digestibility. They improve digestibility by 12.46% (P≤0.001) (group II) and 17.68% (group III). Among the hematological parameters, the number of lymphocytes increased by 34.07% (group II) and by 44.74% (group III); the hemoglobin concentration increased by 5.11% (group III). The serum iron decreased by 23.26% (P≤0.05) (group II) increased by 7.29% (group III). Experimental additives infleunce the microelement composition of the ruminal fluid reducing the concentration of Fe, CoCr, Ni and increasing the concentration of Mn, Cu, Zn values. The results obtained require further research.