Efremova E N,Taranova E S,Zenina E A
The article is devoted to the issue of the growth of bakeries, their competitiveness, the possibility of introducing new progressive equipment into production and the ability to enter new consumer markets. The study is conducted on the basis of the Volgograd State Agrarian University in the department “Processing technologies and food security”. The aim of the study is to study the use of natural raw materials used to improve the quality, nutritional value and increase the competitive raw materials. As an additive, water is replaced with carrot juice, in the proportion of 50:50 and 100 %. Then there is the definition of organoleptic and physico-chemical properties. The use of carrot juice improves the quality characteristics of bread, the physico-chemical indicators correspond to State Standard 27842-88. In addition the economic efficiency of production of wheat bread is calculated. The level of profitability of wheat bread production with the replacement of water with carrot juice in the proportion of 100 % is 15.25 %, which is 5 % higher than the control sample.
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