Nilahayati ,Selvy Handayani Rd,Nazimah ,Sani Alfikri Harahap Muhammad,Irawan Gusti,Anggraini Ayu,Karisda Siregar Nadya
Genetic diversity is the main determining factor in plant breeding activities. Various breeding methods can be used to induce plant variability, including mutation breeding. The chemical mutagen commonly used for mutagenesis is Ethyl Methane Sulfonate (EMS). This study explores the effects of EMS mutagen on the morphological and agronomic diversity of gepak kuning cultivar and M.1.1.3 soybean line. The research was conducted in Tambon Tunong Village, North Aceh District, Indonesia, using a single-factor Randomized Block Completely Design (RCBD). Concentrations of 0%, 0.05%, 0.075%, and 0.1% EMS were tested on the gepak kuning cultivar and M.1.1.3 line. Treating gepak kuning soybeans with EMS significantly impacted various variables, including harvesting age, pod number, seed weight, leaf appearance, and production. Additionally, the treatment resulted in changes in the morphology of the plant, particularly in the shape of its branches. The EMS treatment on M.1.1.3 line also significantly affected various variables like plant height, flowering age, harvesting age, and yield components. However, it led to sterile plants in the line.