Dullah I C,Sulandjari ,Purwanto E
Medinilla is a cultivated wild plant because it has medicinal properties. This research aims to determine the level of resistance and growth of Medinilla speciosa and Medinilla verrucosa plants in drought and shade conditions. The research was carried out in April 2022 – April 2023 in Pakem District Sleman Regency. Analysis of proline and chlorophyll content was carried out at the Gadjah Mada University Laboratory. This study used a nested complete factorial randomized block design, with the types of Medinilla speciosa, Medinilla verrucosa and the volume of water given, 1750 ml, 1500 ml, 1250 ml per polybag nested in 25%, 50% and 75% shade. Each treatment was repeated three times, resulting in a total sample of 54 plants. The results of the study showed that the volume of water provided in the shade suppressed growth, that is number of leaves, leaf area, root volume, fresh weight of stover, chlorophyll except plant height, dry weight of stover and proline content. Water is one of the essential factors needed by plants to grow and develop well. Appropriate light intensity impacts plant growth and production. Light intensity stress and water supply volume stress are part of abiotic stress that can affect growth morphology productivity.