Husada R H S Y,Sari L A,Sahidu A M
This study was aimed to analyze the culture business of vaname shrimp in a traditional pond with a monoculture system in Sedati, Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia. The study location was chosen intentionally (purposive) as considered to be one of the production locations of vaname shrimp (Litopanaeus vannamei) in Sidoarjo Regency. This study used a descriptive method. Data were collected through an observation method. The business analysis results showed that the monoculture system of vaname shrimp in Sedati was feasible to be developed and implemented. This can be seen based on the income value with IDR 30,048,939. The R/C ratio value was 1.86. The PP value was 3 and BEP value was IDR 13,345,778. The producer surplus received by vaname shrimp farmers in Sedati District per hectare of ponds reached IDR 22,283,561/year, therefore the total economic value of vaname shrimp monoculture in Sedati with 143 ha pond area reached IDR 3,186,549,167/year.