Nursa’ban Muhammad,Mukminan ,Masruri Muhsinatun Siasah,Wati Iis Kurnia,Lestari Rias Murti,Hartoyo Endah Kusumastuty
Reducing the risk of various natural disasters makes us learn more about the meaning of safe and sustainable living space. Geographical awareness which is formed by understanding spatial representation should be owned as a capital for disaster mitigation. This study aims to describe the level of geographic awareness with the spatial representation of high school students in Yogyakarta. The study used a quantitative descriptive research design with a questionnaire technique by stratified random sampling on 180 samples of high school students in Yogyakarta. Data are presented as a percentage in tables, charts, and graphs. The results showed that the level of geographic awareness through understanding the spatial representation of high school students' disaster risk reduction varied from low to high. A high understanding of spatial representation is shown by around 30 percent of students, 50 percent in the medium category, and less than 15 percent in the low category. Three factors of geographical awareness, namely: caring, polite, responsive, and tolerant attitude towards the surrounding environment; trying to be part of the solution to environmental problems; love the homeland. All respondents agreed with geographic awareness through spatial representation as an alternative to disaster risk reduction.