Wijaya Tasya,Wijayanti Yureana
Dayeuhkolot district is an area within Citarum River watershed that often experiences flood during the rainy season due to overflow discharge. This research identifies the flood area by using hydrodynamic modeling in Dayeuhkolot district. The model utilized satellite rainfall data. The hydrodynamic modeling of HEC-RAS 5.0.5 and HEC-HMS simulate the flow regimes and the hydrological characteristics in the study area, respectively. The results reveal that the increase in water level in two river tributaries within Citarum River watershed had caused the flooding at Dayeuhkolot district. Furthermore, the percentage of flood areas with low, medium, and high flood risk is 34.7%, 34.5%, and 30.8%, respectively. The flood map developed in this study could support the establishment of a strategy for managing the floodplain area and flood-affected areas.