Travel pattern analysis and freight trip generation modeling of textile commodities. Case study: Thamrin City Shopping Center, Jakarta


Khaerani Halisa,Nahry ,Kusuma Andyka


Abstract One of the sectors supporting the country’s economic development is the commercial sector. With the increasing population, the demand for consumer goods will increase, impacting trip generation. Thus, it is necessary to conduct a study to predict the trip generation of freight transport in shopping centers, especially in DKI Jakarta, with textile stores as trip generators. This research aims to determine the travel pattern of freight transport and freight trip generation models produced and attracted at the Thamrin City shopping center and to analyze the factors influencing freight trip generation. The research was conducted using a quantitative research method with a cross-sectional. Data collection used a questionnaire given to 105 merchants. Data analysis used linear regression methods with the number of freight trip production and attraction as the dependent variable. The independent variables used are the number of employees and gross floor area. The study results show that the delivery of goods using expedition services is sent to the distribution center before being sent to the destination. While shipping goods using private vehicles, sent directly to the destination location. The gross floor area significantly influences the trips generation. Transportation planners can use this research to estimate the number of trip generation in shopping center areas in the future.


IOP Publishing


General Medicine

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