Rahardjo P P,Anggoro B W,Wijaya M,Seourin D P
Toll Road construction takes a vital role to connects cities in Indonesia. Cisumdawu toll road which is constructed to connects Cileunyi, Sumedang and Dawuan, pass through a complex geological formation and suffers a number of slope failures during construction. At STA 40+200, the toll road is constructed by using 20m height embankment by using local soil. Prior to reaching the final elevation, significant land movement was observed. In order to rehabilitate the embankment, the fill is excavated in order to reduce driving loads acting on the sliding plane and EPS geofoam is used as lightweight material to replace soil fill in order to reduce the driving forces acting on the soil. In this paper, the mechanism of slope failure and discussion on the EPS-Geofoam and pavement system employed to solve the slope failure problem will be discussed.
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