Nila S A E,Marlina A,Winarto Y
The settlement in the Menara Kudus Mosque area is a catalyst for religious tourism activities that are adjacent to the residence of the local community. Menara Kudus Mosque with its own characteristics will have an impact on changes that occur both physically and non-physically. This study aims to further identify the formation of the spatial patterns of settlements in the Menara Kudus Mosque area caused by the exposure of religious tourism. The spatial patterns that occur can be seen through observations on the layout, circulation, facing direction, and hierarchy. In this study of the spatial pattern of the Menara Kudus Mosque settlement, the researcher used a messo (residential environment), micro (residential) scale coverage and the factors behind it. The research method for data analysis used in this research is descriptive qualitative with a case study strategy in the residential area of Menara Kudus Mosque. The results of this study indicate that the existing spatial pattern is the result of a response to the new activities of the surrounding community which utilize their residential space and their residential environment as a business space that supports religious tourism activities.