Axial Shuffling on Pebble Bed Reactor using PRAKTIK 3D-HTR


Oktavian Muhammad Rizki,Indratoro Ganjar Putro


Abstract With moving fuel, the pebble bed reactor (PBR) provides flexibility in the fuel management process due to the capability of online fuel refueling. This capability allows the reactor to operate at any given time without the need to shut down for refueling. The complexity of the depletion and burnup analysis requires the problem to be solved with sophisticated and robust computer codes that can handle the fuel shuffling. Since the fuel refueling is conducted from top to bottom, the shuffling and fuel movement in the axial direction should be modeled with acceptable accuracy. The purpose of the simulation is to obtain the equilibrium or even a critical condition of the reactor. The model used is based on the simplified pebble bed reactor with 200 MWt of thermal reactor power, 3 meters of core diameter, and 10 meters of core height. To model the axial shuffling on the reactor, a neutronic computer code called PRAKTIK 3D-HTR is used. The code utilizes the diffusion method in a three-dimensional cylindrical geometry to model the neutronic phenomena in the reactor. Moreover, PRAKTIK 3D-HTR is equipped with the burnup calculation and depletion analysis to be able to handle fuel movement. Finally, the axial shuffling mechanism is implemented using the once-through-then-out (OTTO) method. Implementing this method to the reactor, an equilibrium condition can be obtained. In this condition, the reactor condition in terms of criticality and flux shape is relatively constant. The critical condition can also be searched using PRAKTIK 3D-HTR to obtain the condition when the multiplication factor is equal to unity. The criticality search is conducted by changing the fuel movement speed. If the multiplication factor is less than 1, then the shuffling speed needs to be increased. Otherwise, if it is more than 1, the shuffling speed will be decreased.


IOP Publishing


General Engineering







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