Pankratova N,Belikov I,Belousov V,Kopeikin V,Skorokhod A,Shtabkin Yu,Malafeev G,Muravya V,Flint M
We observed the surface concentration and isotopic composition (δ13CCH4) of methane (CH4), ozone (O3), nitrogen oxide (NO/NO2) and carbon monoxide (CO), as well as black carbon (BC) content in the Russian Arctic seas aboard the research vessel. The effect of emissions from the vessel chimney on the data obtained is analyzed. We investigate the local areas of CH4 emissions from seabed where the concentration of CH4 can increase to 3.5 ppm. Notwithstanding that fact, mainly large-scale processes of air mass transfer determine the average concentration of methane in surface air in the Arctic seas. In addition, we analyze the distribution of BC along the route of the vessel. It was found that excess concentrations of BC over background values are observed occasionally during advection of air masses from the mainland, from areas of associated gas burning and forest fires.