Dewi V A K,Yulistyorini A,Siswahyudi D,Mujiyono ,Rahayuningsih T
Residents’ wells drying up during the dry season cause drought in Ngawi Regency. Kuncur water springs are one of the water sources that continuously drains water every time, but the water has a salty taste and is suspected to contain sulfur. This research aims to analyze the quality of Kuncur water springs and recommend using water according to the community’s needs. The research occurred at Kuncur water springs, Sumberbening village, Bringin sub-district, Ngawi regency, East Java, from April to September 2022. The method used is the analysis of water quality samples in the field and laboratory. The results showed that all parameters met quality standards (Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia number 492/MENKES/PER/IV/2010) except for the total dissolved solids, coliform, and E. Coli. Kuncur Spring is proven to contain sulfur. The recommendations for water use at the Kuncur water spring restrict its use to bathing and washing activities and prohibit its use as a drinking water source.