Vasilieva T N,Galaktionova LV,Baisheva E Z,Lebedev S V
The development of industry, heavy metal pollution has created serious environmental problems. A phytoremediation is a group of environmental cleaning technologies. Currently relevant is the identification of representatives of the woody flora typical of the region from the accumulation of pollutant metals. For the study, 13 sites located on the territory of sanitary protection zones of industrial enterprises of the city of Orenburg were selected. The content of heavy metals was determined in the soil and plant biomass selected from the sites. An analysis of the results shows the relationship between the concentration of heavy metals in soil and plants. The ability of plants to accumulate elements is assessed. Thus, Ulmusglabra accumulates Co from mobile soil forms in 7 reference sites, the leaves of the plant deposit Pb in 4 reference sites. Ulmusglabra accumulates nickel and copper in 4 studied areas. When analyzing individual plant species, the best potential accumulating abilities are (in decreasing order): Ulmusglabra Huds. > Acernegundo L. > Betulapendula Roth.