Soil acidity and issues with aluminum (Al) toxicity are typically limiting concerns for agricultural soil utilization. Liming can be used to solve problems with acidic soils. Another option for dealing with acid soil problems is to use coal enriched with sulfate-reduced bacteria (SRB) or Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans (AF). In a sustainable agriculture system, including coal enriched with SRB or AF into organic fertilizer might increase added value as a source of organic material for plantations. The goal of this research was to see if adding an ameliorant, microbial, or ameliorant enriched microbial to organic fertilizer can boost the added value as a source of organic material for plantations in a sustainable agriculture system. Two acid soils (Ultisols) were investigated, with variances in exchangeable Al concentration. The results showed that the use of a dolomite ameliorant or dolomite enriched AF ICBB 8789 raised pH, Ca, and Mg in the soil. In the soils of Jasinga and Lebak, the treatment of coal enriched with AF ICBB 8789 was more effective in increasing the CEC value. In acid soil from Jasinga West Java and Lebak Banten, a coal or lime ameliorant enriched with SRB could increase the availability of P. In a sustainable agriculture system, coal or coal enriched SRB or AF can potentially increase added value as a source of organic material for agricultures