Vatulia G L,Lovska A O,Krasnokutskyi Ye S
The article presents the results of the research into the transverse loading of the container during rail transportation. The peculiarity of the container is its walls made of sandwich panels. Such a solution will help to reduce the dynamic loading on the container in operation and, accordingly, improve its strength. Appropriate calculations have been carried out in order to determine the optimum (minimum) sheet thickness, provided that the permissible deflection in operation is ensured. The transverse loading on the container placed on a flat wagon at the side rolling has been investigated. It is found that the acceleration value obtained is almost 5% lower than that acting on the container of a typical design. The strength of the container with sandwich-panel walls is calculated using the finite element method. The results of the calculation show that the maximum stresses are 6% lower than those occurring in the container of a typical design. The research may be of values for those who develop recommendations for designing advanced modular vehicles and improving the efficiency of transportation.
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