The cyanobacteria provide a promising inoculant alternative for enhancement the growth, nitrogen fixation and yields. Our Previous study had screened the best cyanobacteria isolates, which has potential as a plant growth promoter. However, the ability of the cyanobacteria strain to control Fusarium wilt disease is not yet identified. This research aimed to screen the best cyanobacteria strains isolated from chili rhizosphere as growth promotor and biocontrol agents for fusarium wilt on chili. Cyanobacteria multiplied with common methods using BG-11 medium ( room temperature, 12/12 h L/D cycle). All strains showed ability as growth promotor and increase yields. All isolates also showed suppression of disease development caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. capsici (Foc). All the five strains that are known for their ability to control R. syzygii subsp. indonesiensis were also had the best ability to promote growth and increase resistance to Foc.