Oxytetracycline is a group of spectrum antibiotics the most widely used in chicken farms, both with sub-therapeutic doses for prevention against diseases, growth and production drivers eggs and efficient use of feed, as well as with therapeutic doses for the purpose of treating the disease The aim of this study to find out the description of the presence of tetracycline antibiotic residues in broiler chicken sold in Parepare traditional market. The type of research used is descriptive research; samples were taken using the total sampling method to obtain a sample of 18 from 6 sellers. Sample examination was carried out by the Bioassay method to find out there the absence of oxytetracycline residues on broiler chicken. The result of this study showed that of the 18 samples of broiler chickens not containing residues of oxytetracycline antibiotics; in this case, it has a negative indication. The conclusion of this study is that broiler chicken sold in the traditional Parepare market is still considered safe for consumption Introduction.