The effective field theory of large-scale structure and multi-tracer


Mergulhão Thiago,Rubira Henrique,Voivodic Rodrigo,Abramo L. Raul


Abstract We study the performance of the perturbative bias expansion when combined with the multi-tracer technique, and their impact on the extraction of cosmological parameters. We consider two populations of tracers of large-scale structure and perform a series of Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis for those two tracers separately. The constraints in ω cdm and h using multi-tracer are less biased and approximately 60% better than those obtained for a single tracer. The multi-tracer approach also provides stronger constraints on the bias expansion parameters, breaking degeneracies between them and with their error being typically half of the single-tracer case. Finally, we studied the impacts caused in parameter extraction when including a correlation between the stochastic field of distinct tracers. We also include a study with galaxies showing that multi-tracer still lead to substantial gains in the cosmological parameters.


IOP Publishing


Astronomy and Astrophysics

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