The renormalization group for large-scale structure (RG-LSS) describes the evolution of galaxy bias and stochastic parameters as a function of the cutoff Λ. In this work, we introduce interaction vertices that describe primordial non-Gaussianity into the Wilson-Polchinski framework, thereby extending the free theory to the interacting case.
The presence of these interactions forces us to include new operators and bias coefficients to the bias expansion to ensure closure under renormalization.
We recover the previously-derived “scale-dependent bias” contributions, as well as a new (subdominant) stochastic contribution.
We derive the renormalization group equations governing the RG-LSS for a large class of interactions which account for vertices at linear order in f
NL that parametrize interacting scalar and massive spinning fields during inflation.
Solving the RG equations, we show the evolution of the non-Gaussian contributions to galaxy clustering as a function of scale.