Kaur Manjeet,Nandi Debottam,B Sharath Raghavan
The conventional background solution for the evolution of a single canonical inflaton
field performs admirably in extreme scenarios such as the slow-roll phase (where the slow-roll
parameter is much less than one) and the deep reheating era (where the Hubble parameter is much
smaller than the effective mass of the potential and the field oscillates around the minimum of
the potential), but fails to accurately depict the dynamics of the Universe around the end of
inflation and the initial oscillatory phases. This article proposes a single, unified,
model-independent, parametrized analytical solution for such models that bridges the gap between
these two extremes, providing a near-accurate comprehensive description of the evolution of the
Universe. This novel strategy has the potential to substantially enhance both quantitative and
qualitative cosmological observational predictions, and, as a consequence, can further constrain
the inflationary models more effectively using future observations.