Anzuini Filippo,Maggi Angelo
The relic density of dark matter in the ΛCDM model restricts the parameter space for a cosmological axion field, constraining the axion decay constant, the initial amplitude of the axion field and the axion mass. It is shown via lattice simulations how the relic density of axion-like particles with masses close to the one of the QCD axion is affected by axion-gauge field interactions and by initial axion inhomogeneities. For pre-inflationary axions, once the Hubble parameter becomes smaller than the axion mass, the latter starts to oscillate, and part of its energy density is spent producing gauge fields via parametric resonance. If the gauge fields are dark photons and Standard Model photons, the energy density of dark photons becomes higher than the one of the axion, while the high conductivity of the primordial plasma damps the oscillations of the photon field. Such a scenario allows for the production of small-scale, primordial magnetic fields, and it is found that the relic density of axions with a low decay constant are within the bounds set by the ΛCDM model, while GUT-scale axions are far too abundant. It is also shown that initial inhomogeneities of the axion field can change substantially the gauge field production, boosting or suppressing (depending on the axion parameters and couplings) the magnetogenesis mechanism with respect to an homogeneous axion field. It is found that when the axion mass is far lighter than the QCD axion model and the initial axion field is inhomogeneous, weak but cosmologically relevant magnetic field seeds can be generated on scales of the order of 0.1 kpc.