San.-Hernandez Leonardo,Matos Tonatiuh
Recently, the Scalar Field Dark Matter (SFDM) model (also known as Fuzzy, Wave, Bose-Einstein, Ultra-light
Dark Matter) has gained a lot of attention because it has provided simpler and more natural explanations for various phenomena observed in galaxies, as a natural explanation for the center of galaxies, the number of satellite galaxies around their host and, more recently, a natural explanation for anomalous trajectories of satellite galaxies called Vast Polar Orbits (VPO) observed in various galaxies. In the present work we study the assumption that the SFDM is a type of charged dark boson whose gauge charge is associated with the Dark Photon (DP). Inspired by these results, we study the formation of compact bosonic objects, such as Boson Stars (BS) and focus on the possibility that, due to spontaneous U(1) SFDM symmetry breaking, the DP may acquire mass and form compact objects like Proca Stars (PS). If this is true, we can expect measurable effects on the electromagnetic field of the Standard Model (SM) of particles due to their interaction with the DP on the formation of compact objects.
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