Burgess C.P.,Holman R.,Kaplanek Greg,Martin Jérôme,Vennin Vincent
We compute the rate with which super-Hubble cosmological
fluctuations are decohered during inflation, by their gravitational
interactions with unobserved shorter-wavelength scalar and tensor
modes. We do so using Open Effective Field Theory methods, that
remain under control at the late times of observational interest,
contrary to perturbative calculations. Our result is minimal in the
sense that it only incorporates the self-interactions predicted by
General Relativity in single-clock models (additional interaction
channels should only speed up decoherence). We find that decoherence
is both suppressed by the first slow-roll parameter and by the
energy density during inflation in Planckian units, but that it is
enhanced by the volume comprised within the scale of interest, in
Hubble units. This implies that, for the scales probed in the Cosmic
Microwave Background, decoherence is effective as soon as inflation
proceeds above ∼ 5 × 109 GeV. Alternatively, if
inflation proceeds at GUT scale decoherence is incomplete only for
the scales crossing out the Hubble radius in the last ∼ 13
e-folds of inflation. We also compute how short-wavelength scalar modes decohere primordial tensor perturbations, finding a faster rate unsuppressed by slow-roll parameters.
Identifying the parametric dependence of decoherence, and the rate at
which it proceeds, helps suggest ways to look for quantum
Astronomy and Astrophysics
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12 articles.