A new simulation model for tokamak boundary plasma, SOLT3D, is implemented in the BOUT++ framework (Dudson et al 2009 Comput. Phys. Commun.
180 1467). The simulation model includes a set of dynamic equations describing collisional boundary plasma and neutral gas in the tokamak scrape-off layer and divertor region. The model is verified against standard linear plasma instabilities and available nonlinear results. For L-mode like conditions, SOLT3D reproduces characteristics of boundary plasma turbulent fluctuations that are similar to published experimental data, in terms of the amplitude and spatial dependence of the fluctuations. It also reproduces realistic plasma fluxes on material surfaces and expected Bohm-like effective radial transport. Plasma fluctuations inferred from the simulations imply inevitably a significant level of intrinsic ‘noise’ for axisymmetric tokamak plasma transport modeling, introducing errors on the order of unity. In particular, the toroidally averaged atomic rates below 5–10 eV are strongly modified by turbulent plasma fluctuations, which should significantly affect the standard axisymmetric modeling of the tokamak edge plasma and divertor.