The origin of the bi-Maxwellian electron energy distribution function (EEDF) observed in the scrape-off layer (SOL) of tokamak plasmas by means of Langmuir probes is still under discussion. It has been assumed that the ionization of hydrogen and deuterium neutrals by thermal electrons penetrating the SOL from the bulk plasma is the main reason for the appearance of a second Maxwellian. To validate this assumption, radial measurements of the electron temperatures and densities, or the plasma properties in helium plasmas in the GOLEM tokamak and the TJ-II stellarator were performed. The radial profiles of the low-temperature electron group densities follow the trend of the calculated radial profiles of the electron sources arising from the ionization of neutrals in both deuterium and helium plasmas in TJ-II. The difference in the radial location where the bi-Maxwellian EEDF appears can be explained by the difference in the rate coefficients for ionization of deuterium and helium. The results of probe measurements in GOLEM and the WEST tokamak divertor, at one radial location in the SOL, are compatible with the hypothesis concerning the ionization of neutral atoms and the type of the EEDF.
Slovenian Research Agency
Bulgarian National Science Fund
Joint Research Project
‘Young scientists and postdoctoral students –2’