Precise refractive index measurement of fused silica optics


Jagroop ORCID,Tillo Dakshin,Narayanamurthy C SORCID,Sam Dayala Dev D


Abstract We have developed an experimental platform that non-destructively and precisely measures the Refractive Index (RI) and dispersion of ultra-polished fused silica optics. Using Total Internal Reflection Digital Holographic Microscopy (TIRDHM), we exploit the phase change of reflected light in Total Internal Reflection (TIR) mode. This phase change depends on the incident angle at the TIR interface and the refractive indices of the involved media. We have optimized a combination of higher TIR phase sensitivity, considerable penetration depth, and minimized phase measurement inaccuracies through simulations to design our experiment. Key features include a custom-made precision Right-Angle Prism (RAP) of Astrositall material, a seamless interface with fused silica optics on TIR interface through optical contact, and single-shot measurement. We have demonstrated the accuracy of measuring fused silica optics through proof of concept and experimental results. Our measurements on two different samples show accuracy better than ±3 × 10−4 compared to those obtained using a commercially available critical angle Refractometer (Metricon). Importantly, the setup offers the advantage of spatially mapping the refractive index, unlike point measurements by available Refractometers.


IOP Publishing

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