Buchner C,Wolf H,Vámossy C,Lorefice S,Lenard E,Spohr I,Mares G,Perkin M,Parlic-Risovic T,Grue L -L,Tammik K,Andel I van,Zelenka Z
Hydrostatic density determinations of liquids as reference material are mainly performed by National Metrology Institutes to provide means for calibrating or checking liquid density measuring instruments such as oscillation-type density meters. These density meters are used by most of the metrology institutes for their calibration and scientific work.
The aim of this project was to compare the results of the liquid density determination by oscillating density meters of the participating laboratories. The results were linked to CCM.D.K-2 partly via Project EURAMET.M.D.K-2 (1019) "Comparison of liquid density standards" by hydrostatic weighing piloted by BEV in 2008.
In this comparison pentadecane, water and of oil with a high viscosity were measured at atmospheric pressure using oscillation type density meter. The temperature range was from 15 °C to 40 °C.
The measurement results were in some cases discrepant. Further studies, comparisons are essential to explore the capability and uncertainty of the density meters
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The final report has been peer-reviewed and approved for publication by the CCM, according to the provisions of the CIPM Mutual Recognition Arrangement (CIPM MRA).