Abe Makoto,Drijarkara A Praba,Babu Virendra
This report concerns an international bilateral key comparison involving two laboratories using three facilities in the subject of calibration of step gauges, which are artefacts used for performance verification of coordinate measuring machines. A third laboratory was selected as an independent adjudicator. The comparison ran from August 2012 to May 2013 during which time there was no significant deterioration in the circulated artefact but the pilot laboratory observed slight change of about 0.15 μm in the measurement result between two measurements, at opposite ends of the circulation. The artefact was a step gauge containing 102 nominally parallel planes half facing each direction (forwards, reverse) with the measurands being the distances between a reference plane and the other planes, measured in the centres. Both participants were able to demonstrate their CMC as listed on the KCDB.
Main text
To reach the main text of this paper, click on Final Report. Note that this text is that which appears in Appendix B of the BIPM key comparison database
The final report has been peer-reviewed and approved for publication by the CCL, according to the provisions of the CIPM Mutual Recognition Arrangement (CIPM MRA).
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