Supplementary comparison of the measurement of the alpha and beta particle surface emission rates from large area sources (CCRI(II)-S10 LASCE)


Felice P De,Anuradha R,Bludovsky J,Bobin C,Bosley R,Broda R,Capogni M,Collins S M,Dix T,Frechou C,Hutchins S,Ioan R,Javornik A,Joseph L,Keightley J D,Kharitonov I A,King L,Kulkami D B,Lewis G,Arcos J M Los,Maringer F J,Mihelic M,Msimang Z,Nahle O,Netwon S,Pateman D,Sahagia M,Sato Y,Slade J,Sokolova I A,Sparrow R,Stanev S,Stanga D,Svec A,Szucs L,Thoka W,Unterweger M,Woods M J,Yamada T,Yamamoto S,Yunoki A,Zanevsky A,Zhao Q,Ziemek T


Main text In 2009, the Consultative Committee for Ionizing Radiation (CCRI) approved its first supplementary comparison, to be organized by the ENEA (as the pilot laboratory), for the measurement of the alpha and beta particle surface (i.e. 2 solid angle) emission rate from large area sources of the type used for calibrating surface contamination monitors. Five sources were disseminated to the twenty-three participating laboratories consisting of one each of 241Am, 14C, 147Pm and 90Sr for emission rate measurements, with one additional 90Sr source for the evaluation of source uniformity. Measurements of the radionuclide activity and radionuclidic purity were also made although not strictly required. This report describes the organization of this comparison and the material and measurement methods used. The proposed supplementary comparison reference values (SCRV) for each of the comparison measurands are given, together with the Degrees of Equivalence and their associated uncertainties for each participating laboratory. The results of this supplementary comparison may be used as evidence by participating National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) and Designated Institutes (DIs) when submitting calibration and measurement capabilities (CMCs) for the given radionuclides for similar types of large area sources; this is an important aspect of this comparison, given that only one other international supplementary comparison for surface emission rates had been organized before. To reach the main text of this paper, click on Final Report. Note that this text is that which appears in Appendix B of the BIPM key comparison database The final report has been peer-reviewed and approved for publication by the CCRI, according to the provisions of the CIPM Mutual Recognition Arrangement (CIPM MRA).


IOP Publishing


General Engineering

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