Study of the velocity-selection satellites present in the 5P3/2→6PJ ( J=1/2, 3/2 ) electric quadrupole transitions in atomic rubidium


Ponciano-Ojeda F SORCID,Mojica-Casique CORCID,Hoyos-Campo L MORCID,Ramírez-Martínez FORCID,Flores-Mijangos J,Jiménez-Mier JORCID


Abstract This article presents detailed experimental and theoretical studies of the satellite fluorescence lines observed when the 5 P 3 / 2 6 P J , ( J = 1 / 2 , 3 / 2 ) electric quadrupole transition (E2) is excited in a room temperature vapor of rubidium atoms. The initial state of this E2 transition is prepared by a narrow linewidth (9 MHz) laser locked to one of the dominant 5 S 1 / 2 5 P 3 / 2 D2 hyperfine excitations for zero-velocity atoms. Effects due to the selection of different atomic velocity classes in this preparation step are responsible for the presence of several satellite lines that can be found in the fluorescence decay spectra of both 85Rb and 87Rb. Compared to the main lines, these satellites do not show a strong dependence on the relative linear polarization directions of the lasers used in the preparation and the electric quadrupole steps. The relative intensities of the satellites decrease as the intensity of the preparation laser increases. Results of a rate equation calculation that explicitly includes selection-of-velocity effects indicate that optical pumping plays a central role in determining the relative intensities and the polarization dependence of the satellite lines. When the preparation laser is locked to the 5 S 1 / 2 F 1 = 1 5 P 3 / 2 F 2 = 0 low-F cyclic transition in 87Rb, six lines were found in addition to the 5 P 3 / 2 F 2 = 0 6 P 3 / 2 F 3 = 2 lone electric quadrupole transition for zero velocity atoms. In this case, the calculated spectrum is necessary for the correct interpretation of the experimental results, clearly indicating that optical pumping and selection of velocities are responsible for these six additional electric quadrupole lines.


Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología

Dirección General de Asuntos del Personal Académico, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


IOP Publishing


Condensed Matter Physics,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics

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