The combined effects of high-temperature and heavy-ion irradiation on Mrozowski cracks (MC) and nuclear graphite crystallographic dimensions have been studied using in situ heating and in situ ion-irradiation in the transmission electron microscope (TEM). Electron transparent lamella of nuclear graphite, IG-110, was irradiated using a 2.8 MeV Au beam at an ion flux of 3.991 ×1010 ion cm−2 s−1 for 70 min at 800 °C. Upon high-temperature irradiation, Mrozowski crack closure was studied quantitatively. The analysis showed linear, positive expansion of nuclear graphite which is significantly different from the dimensional changes previously reported for low-dose neutron irradiation of nuclear graphite in which the material undergoes negative to positive expansion via a turnaround radiation dose. The trend of the thermal expansion coefficient (CTE) of pristine IG-110 in this study is consistent with previous reports in the 100 °C–800 °C temperature region in which the dimensional change ranges from negative to positive values.
Nuclear Energy University Program
National Nuclear Security Administration