1. (The) Climate Registry (2009), About The Climate Registry, available at: www.theclimateregistry.org/about/ (accessed June 4).
2. Codiga, D. (2008), “Act 234: Hawaii's Climate Change Law”, Hawaii Bar Journal, May.
3. Coffman, M. (2008), “Oil price shocks in an island economy”, Annals of Regional Science.
4. Coffman, T. (2003), The Island Edge of America: A Political History of Hawaii, University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, HI, p. 160.
5. FACTS, Inc. (2007), “Evaluating natural gas import options for the State of Hawaii”, prepared for the Hawaii Energy Policy Forum and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, available at: www.hawaiienergypolicy.hawaii.edu/pages/reports.html.