1. Arnold, S.E. (2000), “Search‐and‐frustrate: pseudofinding information online 2000”, The Electronic Library, Vol. 18 No. 1, pp. 6‐11.
2. The Evolution of Medical Student Instruction in Use of the WWW
3. Blake, P. (2000), “WAP: information without wires”, Information Today, Vol. 17 No. 7, pp. 12‐14.
4. Internet Training: Implications of an International Study
5. Clyde, L.A. and Klobas, J.E. (2000b), “Lært á Interneti: Íslenskur hluti yfirstandandi alfólegrar rannsóknar [Learning to Use the Internet: Icelandic Aspects of Ongoing International Research]”, Bókasafni [The Library], Vol. 24, pp. 46‐53. Also available http://www.bokasafnid.is/24arg/lac00.html