1. Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) (2013), “ACPO questions and answers on taser”, available at: www.npcc.police.uk/ThePoliceChiefsBlog/201410TaserBlog.aspx
2. Association of Chief Police Officers, Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland, and National Policing Improvement Agency (2011), Manual of Guidance on the Management, Deployment and Command of Armed Officers, 3rd ed., NPIA, London, available at: www.npcc.police.uk/documents/FoI%20publication/Disclosure%20Logs/Uniformed%20Operations%20FOI/2012/093%2012%20%20Att%2001%20of%201%20Management%20Command%20and%20delpyment%20of%20Firearms%20Officers.pdf
3. Learning the skills of policing;Law and Contemporary Problems,1984