1. Australian Curriculum Studies Association (2006), “A guide to productive national curriculum work for the 21st century”, Curriculum Perspectives, Vol. 26 No. 4, pp. 5‐6.
2. Cole, P. (2007), School Curriculum for the 21st Century: A Rough Guide to A National Curriculum, available at: www.acsainc.com.au/content/cole_national_curriculum.doc.
3. Department of Education Tasmania (2008), The Tasmanian Curriculum 2008 and the Essential Learnings, available at: www.education.tas.gov.au/curriculum/features.
4. Department of Education Tasmania (2009), Essential Learnings, available at: www.Itag.education.tas.gov.au/default.htm (accessed 15 May).
5. Masters, G. (2007), National Curriculum: The Real Challenge, available at: www.acer.edu.au/enews/0704_Curriculum.html.