1. 1. Lucas, R.B., “On the Mechanics of Economic Development”, Journal
of Monetary Economics, Vol. 22, 1988, pp. 3‐42.
2. 2. Sheldrake, J. and Vickerstaff, S., The History of Industrial Training
in Britain, Avebury, 1987.
3. 3. Layard, R., “How to Mend the Labour Market”, Financial Times,
February 1993.
4. 4. This section is an abbreviated version of earlier work on this topic.
For a detailed analysis of the political economy of training in Germany
with special reference to the dual system see Clarke, L., Lange, T., Shackleton, J.R. and Walsh, S., “The Political Economy of Training:
Should Britain Try to Emulate Germany?”, The Political Quarterly,
October‐December 1993.
5. 5. Marshall, A., Industry and Trade, Macmillan, London, 1919, p. 130.