Northern Ethiopia: what’s on the menu?


Barnett Anna


Drought has been such a common occurrence in Ethiopia in the last 200 years that not only have wild foods become a significant part of the daily diet, but they have also impacted on local culture – people are insulted because of the plants they consume. In some of the remotest parts of Ethiopia the author investigated how the people of northern Ethiopia are coping when their livelihoods are threatened by drought. Having been awarded a Churchill Memorial Trust Travel Fellowship for 2000, the author put together a small team, Ethiopian Venture, to carry out this work. The results of this project will go towards a “famine foods” database being set up in Ethiopia by the United Nations Development Programme. It is hoped that with further research some of these wild foods, that are ideally suited to the Ethiopian climate, could be domesticated and so bridge a food gap between harvests.




Nutrition and Dietetics,Food Science

Reference6 articles.

1. Guinand, Y.F. (1999), Underdeveloped, Drought Prone, Food Insecure: Reflections on Living Conditions in Parts of the Simien Mountains, UN‐EUE, Addis Ababa.

2. Save the Children Fund UK (1998), Household Food Economy Analysis, Tekeze Lowlands, North East Ethiopia.

3. Azeze, F. (1998), Unheard Voices – Drought, Famine and God in Ethiopian Oral Poetry, University Press, Addis Ababa.

4. Guinand, Y.F. (1999), North and South Gonder – Food Security Assessment in Parts of the Tekeze River Watershed.

5. Guinand, Y.F. and Lemessa, D. (2000), Wild‐food Plants in Southern Ethiopia, UN‐EUE, Addis Ababa.

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