1. 1“Mission to the solar system: exploration and discovery”, Version B, prepared by the Roadmap Development Team, Charles Elachi Chair, 20 September 1996, http://roadmap.jpl.nasa.ov
2. 2McCleese, D., Lowry, L. and Vane, G., “Rover functional requirements”, consensus view of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Mars Exploration Directorate, the JPL Space and Earth Science Directorate and the Chairman of the Mars Expeditions Strategy Working Group, internal JPL document, 21 October 1996.
3. 3Carr, M.H., Water on Mars, Oxford University Press, New York, NY, 1996.
4. 4McCleese, D.J., Squyres, S., Smrekar, S. and Plescia, J. (Eds), Mars Surveyor Science Objectives and Measurements Requirements Workshop, JPL internal document D‐12017, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, 1994.
5. 5Wallace, R.A., “Low cost Mars sample return”, final report, Lockheed Martin Corp., Report No. MCR 95‐1301, Contract JPL‐959902, Denver, CO, 1994‐95.