1. AndroMDA (2014), “AndroMDA model driven architecture framework - AndroMDA – homepage”, available at: www.andromda.org/ (accessed 27 March 2015).
2. Apache-Foundation (2010), “Apache velocity site - the apache velocity project”, available at: http://velocity.apache.org/ (accessed 27 March 2015).
3. Apache-Foundation (2015a), “Apache subversion”, available at: https://subversion.apache.org/ (accessed 12 May 2015).
4. Apache-Foundation (2015b), “Maven”, available at: http://maven.apache.org/ (accessed 24 April 2013).
5. Apache-Foundation (2015c), “Maven - introduction to archetypes”, available at: http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-archetypes.html (accessed 24 April 2013).