Application of self-reciprocity in estimating ultrasonic power with a novel measurement method


Yang Ping,Xing Guangzhen


Purpose – This article aims to propose a new measurement method for ultrasonic power based on self-reciprocity theorem which turns the estimation of ultrasonic power to the measurement of first echo current and open-circuit voltage of the driving source. Design/methodology/approach – The formula for ultrasonic power is derived which has corrected the position of pressure reflection coefficient on the interface of water and steel. The diffraction correction for focusing transducers is evaluated using numerical computation of the Rayleigh integral. One way to estimate the reflection coefficient of focusing beams on heterogeneous interface is also depicted. Findings – Comparison experiment with radiation force balance method demonstrates that ultrasonic power measurement using self-reciprocity is sound in theory and feasible in practice. Originality/value – It has a better capability of anti-environmental interference and, thus, can be extended to low-level and high-frequency power measurements.




Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

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